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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If I Were the President of USA >>>

   Topic: If I were the president of the United States

         If I were the president of the United States,  first thing that I would like to do is to look for unemployed people, homesless people. As the result, USA economic is going down and must of the people are on the street now a days asking for help. I would like to look for their better future.

         Secondly, President of Country is in charge of all of the citizen. Whereas, I want to look for building some projects like; making bridges, constructing roads, Etc.  The most important I would focus is at Education of USA. I want every people are educated for their bright future. I don’t want any of them to hang out with the entry level job. Things are possible to do and to explore it. Only a person can change what he/she wish. I could provided some financial Aid for the students who is willing to study and  think of his/her life.

          Also, being a president of country is to handle a lot of responsibility. My though will not always to be a great person and to be a rich among the citizen. This is what my thoughts will be:
- Look for the country,
- Provide necessary help for citizens,
And also Even More…

I Want to do something for Country and for citizens, I am not waiting for country to do something else upon me.

            Lastly, help hand and make America Peaceful. God Bless America.

Article Shared By- Bikram Sapkota.

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